(Last update: May 2023)
General guideline:
- For tasks that require the AI agent to consume the latest content on internet first - Ask Bing or agents powered by AutoGPT
- For tasks that might have been asked by many people since years ago - Ask ChatGPT (i.e. no strong need to consume latest content on internet)
Some tasks I asked ChatGPT to do for me:
- Ask ChatGPT to pretend to be a specific role (e.g. a software product manager, or an event host), and then ask it to come up with a draft for the things that I am planning for. It helps me to quickly find out some related keywords or topics that I am not aware of but are related to what I am thinking/researching about.
- Write the outline of a document. And I take reference from that. Learn from the suggested structure.
- Rewrite my draft document or a paragraph to make it more professional or formal.
- Compare the pros and cons of various options. List the results in a table so that it’s easier to read.
- Step by step teach me how to achieve some small tasks in a tool or software (e.g. Google Sheet).
Other thoughts or findings:
- Sometimes ChatGPT outperform Bing, and sometimes it's the other way around
- No matter which AI agent you use, be sure to validate the correctness.
- For simple translation, I still prefer Google Translate instead of ChatGPT. At least for now.
Some interesting tools that I haven’t used
- Summarize the content of a YouTube video https://glarity.app/en
- Request for public data and draw a chart https://www.chartgpt.dev/
- Draft some idea and build a draft deck, and then start from there. https://gamma.app/
- Retrieve and summarize information on the internet (with AutoGPT) https://www.aomni.com/
- Consume data from a private source https://app.copilothub.co
About Alex
- Software Product Manager. Work experiences in Taipei, Singapore, and Shanghai.
- Currently based in Taipei City, Taiwan.
- Contact me via: alex.ho.helloworld@gmail.com